We feel very proud to apprise that
MCIS is a plethora of activities and events. We expose our children to the situations that enable them to practice their skills and apply their knowledge in real life situations which has always been our main priority.
The students are assessed for literary and creative skill, scientific skills, and information and communication technology and leadership skills. Projects based learning is an integral part of formative assessment. This empower the students to h ave skills like creativity and innovation and problem solving in order to come up with thoughtful solution to global challenges.
Value Based Education
As per CCE guidelines we focus in value based education. We in calculate values though work experience and club related activities. They understand how to work as team.
Evaluation and Assessment
The CBSE guidelines are strictly adhered in MCIS for the secondary level. Evaluation and Assessment is done ad per CCE. Audio visual aids are used in order to demonstrate the lessons. Focus is on classroom interaction sessions group discussions, LCD projections.